All Hours 05 - Piano Music

I always love listening to the piano, but was much less keen on practicing it. And seeing as spring has been postponed again, I have retreated back into hibernation with my stereo, and a cup of tea. 

Sit back, and peacefully browse the internet with this playlist in the background

Enjoy. x

All Hours 04 - Gentlemen, Please.

So, the Ladies went first, now time for the Gents. 

Being the middle-class white boy that I am, occasionally an hour of two american guitars, an american bass and an over-enthusiastic american drummer will suffice. Give me three chords, a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody - I'll sing along to every word.

Enjoy. x

All hours 03 - Upbeat and offbeat.


Without a shadow of a doubt.

There is literally no doubt in my mind that this is it now.  Sun, blue skies, barbeques, frisbee in the park, T-shirts, clothes drying outside, freshly cut lawns, wishful thinking.....

So, to here is my newfound-optimism-soundtrack. Press play and reminisce/daydream/turn it up. 

Enjoy x

All Hours 02 - Matters of Light and Depth

So, here is Playlist Number 2 from my "All Hours" collection. 

Enjoy. x

All Hours 01 - Ladies First

All Hours 01 - Ladies First
Do you love to listen to music?  ME TOO! 

As well as indulging in photographing all manner of town folk, I love to scrabble together mixtapes. 

So starting this week, I will be collating hour long spotify playlists, wittily named the "All Hours" collection. 

And as I am a polite kind of guy, the Ladies go first. Enjoy. x